
Covenant House Georgia is grateful for the generous donations that help us continue our valuable work with homeless kids, and understands the importance of protecting your personal information.

Rest assured that giving a tax deductible donation to Covenant House Georgia is safe. Credit card information is protected by a reputable security company, and credit card numbers are never stored.

If you have any questions regarding the security of online donations, please contact us.

Domain Name

Our web server automatically recognizes but does not collect or use your domain name (IP address).

We anonymously track your visit in order to compile statistical information about the use of our site. We do not collect individual information about you or your personal use of this site.

Covenant House Georgia uses cookies, which are small amounts of data sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your hard drive, to see if you are a return user or to allow our online community to recognize you as an existing member. We do not use cookies to collect any personal information from your computer.

E-mail Addresses

If you would like to opt out of e-mail communications at any time, just click the unsubscribe link included at the bottom of every Covenant House e-mail communication. You may also contact us at any time to be removed from our distribution list.

We do not rent, share, trade or otherwise make e-mail addresses available to any third party for any reason.

Other Personal Information

You are not required to provide any personal information on our website unless you choose to do so.

However, in order to properly process charitable gifts, we do ask for personal information on our online donation pages. We use this information to acknowledge receipt of your donation for tax purposes.

When you donate to Covenant House Georgia, you are placed on mailing lists for mail and e-mail updates. If you do not wish to receive physical mail from Covenant House, please contact us.

If you are making a donation in honor or memory of someone, we will not use their personal information for any purpose other than to send an acknowledgement card.

We may occasionally make postal addresses and telephone numbers available to other reputable nonprofit and commercial organizations. If you do not want us to share this information, contact us.